Mighty Eagle Sumo

Practice at 6:30 p.m. CST every Monday


7218 Eckhert Rd, San Antonio, TX 782

Mighty Eagle Sumo is a sumo club & sports team. Sumo is a passion. One that takes a lot of hard work and dedication. As an amateur sumo club out of San Antonio. Our goal is to make Texas the go-to state for American Sumo. We are looking for people to join us and learn the ancient martial art. Help us stay moves ahead of the game.

Meet the TEAM


Sensei Tom Zabel

Sensei, teacher, coach, or just plain Tom.
He has a goofy sense of humor. He is the nicest guy you would ever want to know. But more than that, it was Tom that brought all of us to sumo. He is the reason that we have sumo in San Antonio. All of us in Mighty Eagle are eternally grateful.

4th Degree Black Belt


Jessica Hopper

That is what we call her. She is our leader, she's our spirit. She is the 1st & right now the only Female sumo black belt in the U.S.
But She is more than that to all of us. She is the heart & soul of our team.

2nd Black Belt


Caleb Baccus

Caleb found sumo later than he'd like but that's not stopping him! He's at every practice and tournament and always gives it his all. His matches always have the crowd on the edge of their seats. Caleb works hard in the dohjo and behind the scenes, bringing you both great sumo boughts and content!

Black Belt


David Murray

You can hear the yell when his name is called, "MuurrRrMAaaaNnnnn!" And you know who's walking to the mat. Wrestling on a bad toe and not having a real sumo match since Nationals in March, David Murray shock everyone at the Consulate’s Cup by winning match after match until he took home Silver in Middleweight.
To us, he's a superhero. And his call sign is "Murman!!"

Green Belt

Meet the TEAM


Brandon Alexander

With the body of a Viking & the soul of a Samurai Brandon has come a long way since he first walked through the Mighty Eagle doors looking to learn the ancient martial art. Now after every win, he bows in grace & with every loss he smiles because he just learns something new.
Enters every match with his signature phrase, "For Asgard".

Blue Belt


Nicole Burgees

Courage is not having no fear, it is having fear & overcoming it. Nicole wasn't too thrilled about facing an MMA fighter & Eros Armstrong the top Female Sumo Wrestler in the nation. But did that stop her from getting in the dohyo? No! She brought home the bronze and face down everyone there.
She may not have reached her full potential yet, but one thing is for sure, fear won't stop her from getting there.

Blue Belt


Josh Blackburn

Passion, determination, & heart. These are the words that encapsulate Josh. He gets knocked down 7 times he'll get up 8 because there is no quit in Josh. He possesses the heart of a champion.

Orange Belt


Who’s Next?

Who will be the next wrestler to join the competitive team of Mighty Eagle Sumo? It could be you. Whether a boy or girl, kid or adult, large or small there is a place for anyone in the Mighty Eagle Sumo club. Come find out if you are ready?